Welcome week

Welcome Week is a bright acquaintance of freshmen with Lviv University.

Project goal

The goal is to conduct an intensive week-long acquaintance with the backstage of the student body.

Project description

This year, the event was held live and lasted from September 11 to 15. Welcome Week 2023 combined interesting meetings and various excursions, workshops and training. The event began with a traditional opening in the assembly hall of the University, after which the first-year students visited the Institute of French Studies, the Museum of University History, the Archaeological Museum, the Mineralogical Museum, the Paleontological Museum, the Zoological Museum, the Museum of Computer Technologies, the Museum of Ore Formations, the Scientific Library, the Botanical Garden (Str. Cyril and Methodius, 4), House of Scientists. They also learned about the important units of the University: Student Services Support center,  Network Technologies and IT Support center, International Relations department, Career Development and Cooperation with Business department, Science Park, Psychological Service, Quality Management of the Educational Process department, Social  development and public initiatives center, Marketing and Development center. In addition, newcomers saw performances by the University's Center for Culture and Leisure. The students also attended the First Aid Intensive from CAB First Aid Courses, meetings with the State Emergency Service and mini-lectures on cyber security. The result - freshmen made the most of this week and got to know their Alma Mater by 99%.

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