Lviv Academy of Drones "DrDrone"

Modern warfare is a struggle of technologies.

Project goal

To provide students with the opportunity to learn how to create and improve unmanned aerial vehicles and at the same time support the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Project task

The launched initiative provided for a three-day online training, during which leading specialists in the field shared their knowledge and experience with young people who are eager to help the Armed Forces in the development and design of drone technology. About 300 students volunteered to attend the lecture. Later, active listeners will also be offered practical classes for which additional registration is required.

Project description

Modern warfare is a struggle of technologies. The one who has more of them is ahead, the one with them on "you" is the more effective, and the one who knows how to create them is the most protected. The war in Ukraine is also a drone war. Conscious people who know how to design and control them protect our soldiers without being directly on the front line. One drone is not one life saved, but hundreds.

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