Future bachelors marathon

The national multi-subject test is already in the past, but the most interesting thing ahead is the introduction to the coveted HEI.

Project goal

The marathon initiative began on July 11, 2023 to help applicants get to know Lviv University better and learn everything about admission.

Project description

During the 4-day program, future freshmen had the opportunity to get acquainted with each faculty and their administration through an online broadcast. Also, the audience had the opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of student life during a meeting with the heads of student organizations. The marathon was held on the eve of registration of the electronic office of the applicant, so representatives of the Admissions Committee joined the event, who answered the most popular questions from applicants and presented the conditions for admission to the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. One of the conditions for submitting documents for admission to the university is to write a motivation letter, so the representative of the marketing and communications department, career guidance specialist Yulia Vaskiv conducted a master class on writing a motivation letter.Not without Q&A session with the leadership of the campus of our university and the department of military accounting.


At the end of the marathon, tickets for a photo session at the House of Scientists and an excursion to the University Botanical Garden were played among applicants.

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