Welcome Week 2023

The beginning of student life is another challenge for freshmen! That is why, for six years now, Lviv University has been implementing the large-scale Welcome Week project in the first weeks of study - an intensive one-week introduction to student life. This year, the event was held live and lasted from September 11 to 15.

Welcome Week 2023 combined interesting meetings and various excursions, workshops and training. In total, more than 1,500 first-year students registered for the project.

The event began with the traditional opening in the assembly hall of the University, during which the first vice-rector Andriy Gukalyuk and the vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work and informatization Vitaly Kuharskyi addressed the students; head of the student government Anzhelika Kulchytska, head of the students' trade union committee Mykola Speresenko, deputy head of the scientific society of students and postgraduates of Lviv University Rostyslav Klimov.

Afterwards, first-year students were treated to trips and acquaintances with such places as the Institute of French Studies, the Museum of University History, the Archaeological Museum, the Mineralogical Museum, the Paleontological Museum, the Zoological Museum, the Museum of Computer Technologies, the Museum of Ore Formations, the Scientific Library, the Botanical Garden (Str. Cyril and Methodius, 4), House of Scientists. We sincerely thank the managers and tour guides for their assistance in the implementation of our event.

And that's not all, because every day students discover new interesting and necessary departments, which they will definitely meet more than once in their student life: Student Services Support Center, Network Technologies and IT Support Center, Department of International Relations, Department of career development and cooperation with business, Science park, Psychological service, Quality management of the educational process  department, Social development and public initiatives center, marketing and development center.

The concert of our student groups at the Culture and Leisure center of the University was especially moving for newcomers. With admiration and surprise, the listeners discovered for themselves the artistic compositions of the People's Chamber Orchestra, the People's Bandurist Band "Zoryanitsa", the People's Girls' Choir "Lira" and the People's Song and Dance Ensemble "Cheremosh". "I was at a concert today. It was unsurpassed. There were even tears, and goosebumps, too. I myself very often take part in similar events, but I have never felt like this before. Time passed incredibly quickly. I will definitely become a participant in such an event in the future," freshman Olesya Kachmar shares her impressions.

Our first-year students spent the evenings during Welcome Week 2023 no less cool, because on September 11, everyone willingly attended a quiz prepared by representatives of the students' trade union committee. The winners received medals, cups and nice gifts from the partners of the event. And already on September 12, our first-graders had the opportunity to attend the first meeting of the Debate Club of the University and even try themselves as debaters.

During this week, students were also able to attend the workshops that are particularly needed today - the Intensive on pre-medical care from the CAB First Aid Courses (instructor - Ihor Holodynskyi), meetings with the employees of the State Emergency Service (speaker - Ihor Borsuk) and a mini-lecture on cyber security from the senior inspector of the 1st sector Department of combating cybercrimes in the Lviv region of the Cyber Police Department of the National Police of Ukraine, police captain Valeriya Ivkova.

We sincerely believe that our freshmen made the most of this week and got to know their Alma Mater by 99%. And let that one always remain unexplored. So more interesting!

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