On University Day, the charity exhibition-auction "Warriors of Light" by Max Vityk was opened in the hall of the main building

Lviv University Day is the day of the year when each of us, whether a student, teacher, or graduate, feels elevated and moving, primarily because the educational institution is not only the foundation, the walls and roof are each of us - people who create history and modernity in it.

The 24th anniversary of receiving the status of the National was truly historic for the academic community, because for all those who wish, on the initiative of our graduate of the Faculty of Geology, the Ukrainian-American artist Max Vityk, his author's exhibition of paintings "Warriors of Light" - a cycle of canvases - was opened in the hall of the main building. which personify the struggle of the Ukrainian people during the Revolution of Dignity.

The artist said: "I could never have imagined that one day the walls of the Main Building, which I looked at with admiration and elation during my student years, would complete my works. I am glad that in this way there is an opportunity not only to share creativity with the academic community but also to do a good deed for teachers, students and graduates who protect our borders in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine."

The official opening of the exhibition began at 17:00. The hall of the main building was filled with people to the sounds of the People's Chamber Orchestra playing. The event was also attended by honoured guests - the head of the Lviv Regional Military Administration Maksym Kozytskyi, the first deputy mayor Andriy Moskalenko, a serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and an associate professor of the Department of Theater Studies and Acting Oleksiy Kravchuk, as well as many graduates participating in the "Meet an Alumni" charity auction.

Volodymyr Melnyk, Rector of the Lviv National University, Doctor of Philosophy, and Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine addressed the audience with an introductory speech. In his speech, he once again reminded us of the importance of supporting the Armed Forces of Ukraine, emphasized the rich culture and history of our country, and welcomed Max Vityk, a graduate of the Faculty of Geology, to his homeland. "At a time of radical changes and constant struggle of our people, we celebrate a memorable day for our educational institution and congratulate Maxim on his return to his Alma Mater, not as a student, but as a successful man and artist. Welcoming Maxim here today and being able to contemplate his works of art is truly symbolic. As well as how sensitively these paintings convey the emotions and aspirations of our Warriors of Light. Looking at them, you really can't lose faith in the fact that even after a prolonged darkness, the light for which our brave soldiers fight every day will await us," said Volodymyr Petrovych.

Next, visitors had the opportunity to see the exhibition and listen to the magical singing of Zankiv residents, and graduates of Lviv University: Nataliya Revkevich, Roman Havrysh and Nazarii Moskovets.

This action would not be possible if it were not for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which every day defend the sovereignty of the state and the life of every Ukrainian with superhuman courage and devotion. Therefore, we as a whole of our university community express our gratitude to our defenders and call for donations for the FranKotyks, because Max Vityk's exhibition at Lviv University is not only about the opportunity to touch the spiritual but also a way to raise funds for the military of our academic community.

In general, thanks to the organized exhibition and charity online auction "Meet the Graduate", we managed to collect more than 240 thousand hryvnias, which will soon go to help our defenders. If you also want to help the Frankotics of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, then fill out the bank as needed. It was opened for the event by our graduate, university teacher and volunteer Svyatoslav Litynskyi.

Also during the event, a silent auction of two paintings by the artist and the sale of art albums with various cycles of Max Vityk's works: "Geology", "Hallucinations" and "Warriors of Light" (for a donation of 500 hryvnias) started. Such an opportunity exists even today, so we encourage those who wish to place a bet or purchase a book at the Marketing and Development Center of Lviv University (marketing@lnu.edu.ua).

The support of partners is especially pleasant and important, so we are sincerely grateful to the exhibition coordinator, the head of the exposition department of the Lviv National Art Gallery, Mr Andriy Rybka, the host Bohdan Kozlinskyi, the photographers: Svyatoslav Sydletskyi (GO “Spalakh moment”), Anna Lukachuk and Khrystyna Palagniak; of the "Fiorelli" brand, the "Backstage rent" company, the "Intellias" IT company, the university units: the Museum of History of the University, the Publishing House of the Lviv University, the Center for Network Technologies and IT Support, the Center for Culture and Leisure, the Faculty of Culture and Arts, the student dining hall; as well as volunteers and everyone who contributed to the organization to make this wonderful charity evening happen.

We remind you that the exhibition will last for a month, so you can visit it in the hall of the Main Building of Lviv University, familiarize yourself with the works of Max Vityk and donate money to our Frankittens.

We would like to sum up the event with the apt words of the Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work and Informatization Vitaly Kuharskyi: "Paintings and the university seem to have been created for each other. Among all possible places, it seems to me that this is where their potential and greatness are revealed the most. So let the eternal and the new in such a synergy attract and fascinate more than one student or teacher - all Lviv residents who are willing to touch the beautiful and help our defenders."

The organizer of the event and the author of the article is the Marketing and Development Center

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