Educational visits of students and employees of Lviv University within the framework of the INTERADIS project

A two-week exchange of experience with foreign students, filled with interesting lectures, exciting practical tasks and presentations of youth initiatives - this is how the new academic year began for two students of Lviv University - Victoria Kozyar, who studies in the second year of the Faculty of Philology, and Anastasia Pavlenko, from the third year of the Faculty of Geology. At the Mikolas Romeris University (Vilnius, Lithuania), as part of the INTERADIS project, introductory lectures were held for young people and a demonstration of how foreign students integrate into the HEIs they have chosen for exchange. The coordinators of the project in Lithuania tried to illustrate the entire process of adaptation with the help of bright presentations, trips and game methods of learning information.

In addition, it was a good opportunity for students to exchange knowledge and ideas with their peers who came to Vilnius from Ukraine as part of the INTERADIS project. In particular, representatives of Mariupol State University, Sumy National Agrarian University, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, National University of Water and Nature Engeneering, Odesa National Polytechnic University and V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. According to the girls, this experience was unforgettable and showed the whole spectrum of what awaits Ukrainian higher education institutions after our victory. They saw from their own experience that Mykolas Romeris University welcomes all students and gives them the opportunity to develop, leading them to achieve their goals. "We felt special support for Ukrainian students. The university welcomed us warmly, helped us at every stage, explained everything we did not understand. Ukrainian students who decide to choose this university as part of mobility under the Erasmus+ program will be really lucky, because it will be incredible weeks of their studies in a calm atmosphere, with creative and competent teachers, interesting people and constant support from the administration. And for us, it became a good example of how to build cooperation and an environment for communication with foreign students, so that they feel comfortable and become promoters of our university", - says a student of the Faculty of Philology, Victoria Kozyar.

Simultaneously with the student exchange, there was also a meeting of the Steering Committee of the project at the University of Foggia, Italy. The project coordinator from our University - the Vice-Rector for scientific-pedagogical work and informatization Vitaly Kuharskyi participated in this meeting. Consortium participants presented the results of their work, discussed issues of project implementation and planned the next steps and necessary meetings within the framework of the program. At the same time, managers from partner universities reported on the acquired equipment and its use within the framework of the implementation of the project's goals. Our university received a modern conference system, a multimedia board, a projector, personal computers and laptops.

The head of the Marketing and Development center Olha Osredchuk and the head of the Network Technologies and IT Support center Vasyl Petryshyn joined the training for executive teams, who got acquainted with the best practices of marketing and the use of information technologies in the work of attracting and adapting foreign students.

Also during the meeting, the ideas of introducing a new national online system for enrolling foreign students in universities, which involves the joint work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Migration Service, the Ministry of Education and Culture and universities, were discussed. The issue of the online platform/information system for managing the international activities of universities was not left without attention in terms of options popular in European universities: Mobility online, MoveOn.

The event was also attended by the Ukrainian State Center for International Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture, with the leadership of which representatives of Lviv University discussed future plans for further cooperation.

The subject of discussion was also the prospect of involving European partner universities in the following international schools of Data Engineering and Security and Artificial Intelligence Technology held at Lviv University.

In the end, all conference participants shared future plans within the project and fresh ideas for implementing new joint important initiatives!

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