Fundraising and development department

About the department

The fundraisingand development department is a structural division of Lviv University, which is responsible for attracting resources and finances for the support and development of educational projects and initiatives. The main tasks of the department include the development of fundraising strategies, cooperation with potential sponsors and donors, organization of charity events and communication with both University employees and the general public.

The department's work

In particular, the fundraising and development department:

  • In particular, the development and fundraising department:
  • monitors grant programs, informs University divisions about open grant opportunities;
  • keeps records and registration of submitted grant applications and projects;
  • conducts training and consultations, helps prepare documentation for grant applications to the University's divisions;
  • prepares and helps faculties prepare project proposals for receiving grants from Ukrainian and foreign foundations/private and government funds;
  • maintains connections, constant dialogue with graduates, benefactors, patrons to attract new sources of funding for the University;
  • coordinates the preparation and conducting of charity fundraising events;
  • provides consultations and assistance to other structural units of the University in finding and attracting additional funds aimed at their development;
  • participates in the formation of the financial strategy of the University.

Projects of the department

Department team

Svizinska Roksolyana Yuriivna
Gromysh Iryna Vasylivna
Laboratory assistant
Osidach Yulia Volodymyrivna
Laboratory assistant
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